When you think about what makes a great leader, does the word “integrity” come to mind? If not, it should. When we look at what companies find most important in their leaders, integrity is right up there with communication skills and the ability to build relationships with people.
Think about it: when someone doesn’t stick to their word or is unreliable, they lose credibility. And if you can’t trust someone as a person, how can you trust them to lead others?
Unfortunately, this is a regular occurrence – time and time again, businesses report that developing leaders at all levels is crucial. However, less than 5% of those companies will go on to implement management training or any leadership development programmes.
Here are our 6 top tips on how you can lead with integrity.
1. Provide honest, open and timely communication
Telling people what’s going on is essential.
It can be hard to keep an entire team informed of every single thing going on with a project, but it’s important to do so—not just because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it will help you build trust with your team. Keeping people in the loop means they feel like they have a say in what happens next and can contribute their ideas and opinions.
We know that sometimes information will be commercially sensitive, or you may not have all the answers. If this is the case, tell your people what you can and when further information will likely be available.
Even if it’s news that may be difficult to hear or you are letting people know that you don’t have any further information yet, people appreciate it when you keep them up to date. And if they feel you are being open and honest with them? They’re much more likely to trust you!

2. Lead by example
As leaders, we are responsible for setting an example for others to follow.
For example, if you want your team to treat each other with respect and compassion, you must do the same. If you want your team to be honest and consistent in their actions, you must be honest and consistent. It’s also important to set an example for others by doing what you say and saying what you do.
Be prepared to get stuck in, and don’t expect your team to do things you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself.
3. Honour commitments that you make
Keeping track of your commitments when you’re a leader can be challenging. However, to have integrity in the workplace, it’s important to honour any plans you make – big or small. Why? When you make commitments, others start to rely on you, and they trust that you’ll come through for them.
By honouring your commitments, you also show other people they can trust you, making them more likely to follow instructions and work with you on projects.
4. Take responsibility
We are all human, and part of being human is making mistakes. What matters most is how we respond to those mistakes and what we do about them.
When we say we will do something, we must ensure we do it. Now, we are all human, and there may be instances where we are unable to or are delayed in doing so. Saying nothing and trying to sweep it under the carpet could be highly detrimental to the relationships we’ve spent time building. Holding your hands up and providing an explanation (not an excuse) goes a long way.
If you get something wrong, admit it. Be vulnerable and show your team that you are learning too.

5. Practice self-reflection
As a leader, reflecting on your actions and behaviours is crucial to continuous improvement, as it helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses. By reflecting on your previous actions, you can evaluate what has gone well and replicate those successes. Alternatively, if things didn’t go to plan, you can adjust your course to make different decisions and get a better outcome next time.
6. Be open to learning from others
When we’ve been in a position of responsibility for some time, it can be easy to think that we’re doing everything (or almost everything) right. But being open to learning from those around you is essential to being a great leader.
If someone challenges your thinking by disagreeing with your ideas or offering suggestions for improvement, take it as an opportunity to grow and improve.
The same goes for seeking feedback when working with your team members. It’s one thing to think you are doing something well; it’s another thing to know for sure.
Now that you know how to lead with integrity, it is time to implement. Here’s a quick recap of our 6 key tips for leading with integrity:
- Honest, open and timely communication
- Lead by example
- Honour commitments that you make
- Take responsibility
- Self-reflection
- Be open to learning from others.
Being a good leader is not an easy task. It’s impossible to lead everyone the same way, and sometimes difficult to lead the same people in different ways. But it’s important to remember that people will respect you if they know what you stand for, know your values, and that they can trust and rely on you.
If you’re looking to develop your leadership skills and would like some support in doing so, arrange your free discovery call. We’d love to find out more about you and what you are looking to achieve in your leadership career.
Published 10th October 2022.