18th April 2023

We've Been Busy Bees at Delphinium
Your Weekly Picks
Hello and welcome.
I’d love to hear how you’re finding these emails, and if you have any feedback, it’s always appreciated. 💜link tower page and now have it published on our website; go ahead and have a nosey at it. As well as that, we have been planning the content and marketing for our webinar coming up in May, Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace. Sound like something you’d like to learn more about to create a safe and supportive work environment? Sign up and secure your place!
It’s been a busy month so far at Delphinium, we’ve been working on ourFact Sheet Alert : Tribunal Compensation Limits 2023/24
Here’s some new information you won’t want to miss as an employer or people manager.factsheet of tribunal compensation limits to keep on hand to remind you of the new tribunal limits. The new limits came into effect on the 1st April 2023, increasing the maximum amount employees can be awarded in various situations such as unlawful exclusion or unfair dismissal.
EML has put together a great#TopTip: Ensure clarity with regular performance reviews
Recommended Resource: Feeling Tongue Tied?
One of the most difficult aspects of being a leader is having uncomfortable and sometimes difficult conversations.free downloadable PDF is the perfect cheat sheet to help leaders with what to say to ensure they’re being empathetic and demonstrating it.
It’s essential that we train our leaders to be empathetic with their staff so they can maintain the trust and strong relationships they have with others. ThisStory Time: Change...
Fortunately, or unfortunately…executive coaching journey.
As I’m sure you know, change is inevitable. Clients often say they’re waiting for the “perfect time” to invest in their leaders’ development. However, with workplace situations as ever-changing, as they are, you may be waiting forever. Our flexible and adaptable programmes ensure that your leaders have the skills they need to succeed, no matter what the future holds. Get in touch today to start your managers on theirThank you for joining me on this journey of leadership, emotional intelligence, and productivity. I hope you continue to find value in Tuesday’s Top Picks, and we can’t wait to share more with you next week.
Kind regards,
Gemma 💜
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Previous Editions
If you missed out on previous editions of our Tuesday’s Top Picks, you can find a list of our back catalogue here.