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Do you want to better understand what drives you, identify your unique strengths and learn how to leverage them to achieve your goals? If so, coaching may be the key to unlocking your potential.

Whatever your goal – whether it’s your own personal development, becoming a more effective leader or building the best team – coaching is recognised as one of the most effective development interventions available.

Through executive and leadership coaching, personal development coaching and team coaching, individuals and groups can learn, grow and develop, increasing awareness and confidence, improving performance and driving long-lasting change.

At Delphinium, we have two decades of experience offering the best in personalised coaching experiences. Our coaching packages support professionals at all levels of your organisation, from high-potential employees to executives.

We work closely with you to understand your needs and objectives, drawing up the most effective plan of action to help you fulfil your full potential.

Benefits of coaching

Here are just some of the overall benefits of coaching for individuals and organisations.

Coaching benefits for individuals

  • Improve your career prospects
  • Build stronger relationships
  • Become more accountable
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Develop stronger decision-making skills
  • Improve your problem solving skills
  • Become more resilient

Coaching benefits for organisations

  • Develop inspirational leaders
  • Increase workforce productivity
  • Identify and leverage individuals’ potential
  • Demonstrates commitment to employee development
  • Encourages employee empowerment and responsibility

Coaching for businesses and individuals

Delphinium’s coaching packages are tailor-made for individuals and organisations. We offer a range of coaching services that cater for different needs across the areas of executive coaching, leadership coaching, personal development coaching and team coaching. Take a look at the sections below to explore each area in more depth.

Executive Coaching

At an executive level, coaching is not a luxury but rather a necessity. Leaders at this stage understand the pressure of keeping one eye on the organisation's vision while still focusing on the here and now.
Leaders at this level also understand that while they may have achieved a great deal, we are all human and thus continually developing, both as an individual and as a leader.
To be highly effective, you need the time and space to step back, view things from a different perspective, reflect on your decisions and share your ideas and concerns. Executive coaching provides that much-needed sounding board and the opportunity to identify how you can grow.

What is Executive Coaching?

Our Executive coaching programmes are designed around you. They are a highly personalised approach for your development through a one-to-one relationship between an accredited professional coach and an executive client. The purpose of the coaching programme is to help the executive become more competent and fulfilled in their career. Executive Coaching is a catalyst for the enhanced performance of the individual and the teams they lead.
The programmes are run either as an independent development programme or blended as part of a board or a senior leadership team initiative.

Who is Executive Coaching for?

Our Executive coaching clients are often business owners, board members or senior leaders who recognise the importance of continuous development and want to improve organisational performance.
The focus of executive coaching is often therefore around organisational performance and the individual’s development within that organisation, but may also include a personal component - we adapt our packages to suit your individual needs.

The results for the individual

  • Increased and sustainable self-awareness of leadership behaviour
  • The ability to build strong relationships
  • Improved leadership skills and teamwork
  • Greater impact, influence and improved performance
  • Increased flexibility in managing stress and conflict

The results for the organisation

  • Improved leadership across the organisation
  • Creates a culture of leading by example
  • Increases talent engagement and retention at a senior level
  • Improved creativity in business and strategic planning
  • Team cohesion at a senior level

To understand your unique needs, we take into account what you’re looking to achieve, your challenges and your goals. We’re then able to provide a recommendation on the type of coaching that would best help you in meeting your objectives.

The first step in this process of understanding is a discovery call. This is a free, friendly chat during which we’ll talk through your needs, answer any questions you may have and discuss our recommendation with you. To arrange a discovery call at a time that suits you, click below.

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Leadership Coaching

The terms executive coaching and leadership coaching are often used interchangeably. At Delphinium, we don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach.

What leadership means has changed dramatically over the last decade. The business world continues to change at a considerable pace, bringing increased expectations and fresh management challenges. Businesses need strong leaders - not just at a senior level but at every level of their organisation.

Leadership remains the number one talent issue facing organisations: a study by Deloitte revealed that less than 10% of organisations feel that their leadership programmes are effective in preparing leaders to face the challenges of the digital economy.

Our leadership coaching programmes aim to equip existing and emerging leaders with the skills they need to face these challenges and lead businesses to success.

What is Leadership Coaching?

At Delphinium, our leadership coaching programmes are aimed at junior leaders and managers who would benefit from developing skills around leadership, communication and emotional intelligence to support the organisation in achieving its objectives.

The focus of coaching at this level is often around personal leadership, managerial performance and developing a high performing team but you’ll also develop as an individual. On a personal level, we’ll support you on a one-to-one basis to improve your competency and become more fulfilled in your career.

Who is Leadership Coaching for?

Our leadership coaching clients are often middle managers and those new to a leadership role. However, we also regularly welcome first line managers and supervisors on to our leadership coaching programmes where an organisation has identified high potential individuals and wants to support them in realising their abilities.

The results for the individual

  • Increased and sustainable self-awareness of leadership behaviour
  • The ability to build strong relationships
  • Improved leadership, influence and communication skills
  • Increased flexibility in managing stress and conflict
  • Improved personal and team performance

The impact for the organisation

  • Improved leadership across the organisation
  • Creates a culture of leading by example
  • Increases motivation, retention rates and engagement of talent
  • Improved creativity in business and strategic planning
  • A more productive workforce

To understand your unique needs, we take into account what you’re looking to achieve, your challenges and your goals. We’re then able to provide a recommendation on the type of coaching that would best help you in meeting your objectives.

The first step in this process of understanding is a discovery call. This is a free, friendly chat during which we’ll talk through your needs, answer any questions you may have and discuss our recommendation with you. To arrange a discovery call at a time that suits you, click below.

Book your discovery call now

Personal Development Coaching

If you’re not in a leadership or management role but want to improve your confidence levels, communicate more effectively and realise your potential at work and across other areas of your life, our personal development coaching programmes are designed for just that - and more.

What is Personal Development Coaching?

Personal development coaching covers a breadth of areas to focus on your individual needs. Through personal development coaching, you’ll have the opportunity to work on what you’d like to improve, whether it’s enhancing your interpersonal skills, managing stress or creating a healthy work-life balance.

Our personal development coaching programmes take the form of a one-to-one relationship with an accredited professional coach, to help you achieve your goals and become more fulfilled in your career.

Who is Personal Development Coaching for?

Personal coaching programmes from Delphinium are suitable for anyone wishing to develop their interpersonal skills or improve their performance and relationships with others. If you’re having difficulties with confidence and limiting beliefs, personal development coaching can help here, too.

If you’re onboarding new staff, our personal development coaching services are also extremely effective in smoothing the transition over the first 90 days of the new role.

The results for the individual

  • Increased confidence and resilience
  • The ability to build strong relationships
  • Improved communication, problem solving and decision making skills
  • Increased flexibility in managing stress and conflict
  • Improved personal performance

The impact for the organisation

  • Smoother transition into roles for new and promoted staff
  • Demonstrated commitment to employee development
  • Increased talent motivation and engagement of talent
  • A more productive workforce
  • Reduced conflict
  • A happier and healthier workforce

To understand your unique needs, we take into account what you’re looking to achieve, your challenges and your goals. We’re then able to provide a recommendation on the type of coaching that would best help you in meeting your objectives.

The first step in this process of understanding is a discovery call. This is a free, friendly chat during which we’ll talk through your needs, answer any questions you may have and discuss our recommendation with you. To arrange a discovery call at a time that suits you, click below.

Book your discovery call now

Team Coaching

Team coaching is a powerful and cost-effective intervention for creating high performing teams. It enables teams to identify their challenges and work towards goals as a cohesive unit, with every member supporting one another along the way.

What is Team Coaching?

Team coaching brings together all members of a team - including their team leader - to assess and evaluate working practices, identify areas for improvement and encourage everyone to contribute and feel valued.

Delphinium’s team coaching programmes are delivered by a highly experienced professional coach, trained to guide groups in increasing their awareness and performance. We provide an environment in which everyone has the opportunity to become part of a more connected team and work together towards their goals.

Who is it for?

Our team coaching clients are often senior managers or leaders with accountability for complex decisions, and with a wide scope of impact on an organisation.
The focus of team coaching often centres around organisational performance and the individual’s development within that organisation, but may also include a personal component.
Coaching works best in helping individuals and teams address specific issues. It provides professional and personal development appropriate for senior executives with little time for self-reflection – and is therefore particularly suitable for board level executives, CEOs and senior managers.
Essentially, team coaching helps you focus on your business priorities whilst advancing your professional development goals.

The results for the team

  • Encourages and builds trust amongst team members
  • Reduced the risk of conflict within the team
  • Improves communication across the team
  • Provide focus on the teams shared purpose
  • Increase awareness around team members strengths and how they can leverage those strengths to increase performance across the team

The impact for organisation

  • Increases motivation and engagement
  • Has a greater impact than team building events
  • Increases innovation and creativity
  • Supports the development of a high performing team
  • Team members hold one another accountable

To understand your unique needs, we take into account what you’re looking to achieve, your challenges and your goals. We’re then able to provide a recommendation on the type of coaching that would best help you in meeting your objectives.

The first step in this process of understanding is a discovery call. This is a free, friendly chat during which we’ll talk through your needs, answer any questions you may have and discuss our recommendation with you. To arrange a discovery call at a time that suits you, click below.

Book your discovery call now

Coaching FAQs

What is coaching?

Coaching is a process between a Coach and Client (individual or group) that aims to empower individuals and support them in reaching their full potential. In its strictest form, coaching is non-directive. It is a questioning technique where the Coach considered a facilitator of learning rather than the ‘expert’.

Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance. It focuses on the ‘here and now’ as opposed to the distant past or future. The premise of coaching is that the individual has the answer to their own challenges, but they may require help to find that answer.

What are the benefits of Coaching?

Coaching will help you to:

  • Clarify exactly what it is you want, set effective goals and help you to achieve them faster
  • Manage stress, anxiety and conflict
  • Improve your confidence, self-belief and motivation
  • Improve your performance and productivity
  • Identify any obstacles that are holding you back and how to overcome them
  • Consider your thinking and behaviours from a different perspective
  • Move away from any fear of failure
  • Prepare for a role or career change
  • Accelerate personal development
  • Improve decision making skills
  • Become a more effective communicator
  • Strengthen relationships
  • Increase your emotional intelligence
  • Enhance your leadership and strategic planning skills
  • Inspire and motivate teams
  • Become more creative
  • Implement organisational change effectively by supporting teams and individuals
  • Ensure a healthy work-life balance

How is coaching carried out?

Coaching is delivered by way of a structured conversation between the coach and the client(s), either on a one-to-one basis, or as part of a group.
Coaching sessions can be carried out face to face, online (via Zoom or Microsoft Teams) or by telephone. We will discuss these options with you at the time of your discovery call and make a recommendation based on your circumstances.
In each session, we will focus on one or more areas in your business or career (or personal life it you are facing some personal challenges that are impacting your professional life) in which you'd like to unlock your potential.

What coaching techniques do you use?

At Delphinium we use a number of coaching approaches, tools and resources, which we tailor to suit the needs of the individual client. Your coach will ask you questions and listen to your responses carefully and respectfully.
Your coach will help you to become more aware of any negative language or limiting beliefs that you currently practise, and challenge without judgement.
Your coach will not tell you what to do. Instead, you’ll be encouraged to make your own decisions and take responsibility for those decisions.

What is the coaching relationship?

The relationship we have with our clients is what we call a supportive partnership. The relationship between the coach and the client is the key, here - you must feel comfortable enough to be as honest as you can be, because holding back will have a negative impact on your potential progress.
Your coach is there to support and encourage you to create a plan of action that will move you forward and remove roadblocks.

Is coaching confidential?

The relationship we have with our clients is what we call a supportive partnership. The relationship between the coach and the client is the key, here - you must feel comfortable enough to be as honest as you can be, because holding back will have a negative impact on your potential progress.
Your coach is there to support and encourage you to create a plan of action that will move you forward and remove roadblocks.

Is there an overall coaching plan?

As part of your discovery call we will discuss your requirements and make recommendations on how to proceed. At the start of your coaching programme, we’ll also set objectives that you wish to achieve by the end of the programme.
While it’s important to ensure that there is clarity on what you want to achieve, there also needs to be an element of flexibility in terms of the areas we discuss in relation to the challenges you’re facing at the time of your session.
Regular coaching sessions are only part of your coaching programme; you will also receive additional tools and resources to aid your development, as well as email and telephone support between sessions.

What about homework?

While the coaching sessions are extremely powerful, to move you forward as efficiently as possible it will be necessary for you to take action between coaching sessions. Setting an action plan for completion between sessions will offer deeper insight, motivation and progression towards your overall goals.

What is the commitment required?

Coaching is not a quick or temporary fix. To create new habits and generate lasting change, a commitment of time is necessary both during the coaching sessions and in between. The time you have available to commit to any coaching programme will be discussed with you during your discovery call and this information will form part of the recommendations we make.

Why is coaching cost effective?

Coaching is an extremely cost-effective form of personal and professional development. During a coaching programme, we will assist you in planning how you can achieve your objectives in the quickest and most efficient way possible. You will take regular action and start to bring transformation or changes that you want into your business and/or broader life.
Coaching focuses on what is going on in right now and assists you in setting up an action plan for success. Coaching is spaced out at regular intervals so we can deal with issues, goals and situations together on an ongoing basis.
It is always supportive and encouraging. Your commitment to coaching is an investment in your business, your life and your future.

How can the success of coaching be measured?

Measuring the success of your coaching programme can be carried out in two ways: external indicators of performance and internal indicators of success. Ideally, both would be incorporated.
Examples of external measures include achievement of the coaching goals we established at the outset of the coaching relationship, increased income or revenue, obtaining a promotion, performance feedback, personal or business performance data (e.g. productivity measures). Any external measures you selected should be things you already measure and have some ability to influence directly.
Examples of internal measures include self-scoring/self-validating assessments that can be administered initially and at regular intervals during the coaching programme, shifts in awareness, thinking and behaviours that create more effective actions, and shifts in your emotional state.

How does coaching differ from mentoring?

Mentoring is more focused on directive intervention than coaching. A mentor is an expert who provides advice, wisdom and guidance based on their own experience in the same (or in a similar) area. Coaching is not advising; instead, it focuses on individuals or groups setting and reaching their own objectives.

How does coaching differ from consulting?

Consultancy is a directive intervention. Consultants are instructed for their expertise in a particular area to diagnose problems, prescribe - and sometimes implement - solutions in your business, or an area of.
With coaching, the assumption is that individuals or teams are capable of generating their own solutions, with the coach supplying supportive, discovery-based approaches and frameworks.
There is a good analogy that illustrates the difference between a coach and a consultant: A coach will help you to understand how why you ride a bicycle, help you to determine what's holding you back from riding well, and jog along next to you as you ride the bicycle. A consultant will explain why one bike is superior to another, tell you how to ride the bike, and if required, ride the bike for you.

How does coaching differ from forms of therapy?

Therapy focuses on the past with a view to healing pain, dysfunction and conflict within an individual or in relationships. The focus is often on overcoming challenges rooted in the past that hinder an individual's emotional functioning and wellbeing in the present.
Coaching, on the other hand, supports personal and professional growth based on self-initiated change in pursuit of specific actionable outcomes, linked to personal or professional success. Coaching is future-focused with the emphasis of a coaching relationship being on action, accountability and follow through.
We do not focus on healing emotional pain or past emotional trauma as part of coaching. While we may discuss emotions during your coaching sessions, healing emotional pain is not the primary focus of coaching.

I want to start coaching now - what do I do?

Contact us or click the link below to arrange your free discovery call, which will enable us to understand your requirements and provide a recommendation. First, we need to understand what you are looking to achieve, your challenges and your goals. During the discovery call, not only will we discuss your needs; we’ll also answer any questions you may have and discuss our recommendation with you.

Book your discovery call now

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