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Level 5 in Leadership and Management

The ILM Level 5 in Leadership and Management is ideal for you if you are a project manager, department head, or another practising middle manager. The course will develop your skills and experience, enabling you to improve your performance and it will prepare you for senior management responsibilities.

What are the benefits of ILM Level 5 courses and qualifications?

Results for you

  • Use core management techniques to drive better results
  • Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire
  • Provide strategic leadership as well as day-to-day management
  • Benchmark your managerial skills
  • Raise your profile in your organisation
  • Increase your likelihood of promotion.

Impact for your employer

  • Encourage strategic thinking at this level of management, to foster business improvement
  • Engage middle managers with training and development opportunities – this qualification is designed to provide clear, measurable benefits to career minded professionals
  • Tailor the qualification to the learning and development needs of your organisation.

Units for the ILM Level 5

There are almost 60 units in the ILM Level 5 in Leadership and Management. The course has in-built flexibility so that you can choose the most effective units for your organisation's development needs. Here are some of the most popular units:

  • Developing your leadership styles
  • Managing for efficiency and effectiveness
  • Developing and leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives
  • Developing critical thinking
  • Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective coaching and mentoring
  • Stress and conflict in an organisation
  • Developing individual mental toughness
  • Leading innovation and change
  • Managing recruitment
  • Managing meetings
  • Developing a culture to support innovation and improvement.

Focus on the skills you need

dark pink icon of one person stood in front of two others

People Management

How to deal effectively with stress and conflict, manage remote workers and build excellent customer relations.

Leadership Development

Assess your own leadership capability and performance, develop critical thinking skills, and learn to delegate authority.

Bright pink icon of man with briefcase walking up an arrow pointing upwards

Providing Direction

Motivate and lead teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives. Make strong and informed management decisions.

Innovation and Change

Foster and facilitate innovation, lead through change and build a culture of continuous improvement.

Achieve Results

Develop the management skills to help your teams operate efficiently and effectively and manage projects that obtain results.

Managing resources

Align business processes and resource usage to organisational objectives, policies and procedures.

Qualification flexibility

The ILM Level 5 in Leadership and Management provides an option to study towards one of three qualifications: A concise Award, a broader Certificate or a comprehensive Diploma.

The ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management is a short and concise course with approximately sixty guided learning hours. To achieve the qualification, you are required to gain between six and twelve credits across a minimum of two units (topics) and pass an assessment for each topic.

The average completion time for the ILM Level 5 Award is six months. Should you decide to progress to the ILM Level 5 Certificate or Diploma in Leadership and Management, the units you’ve studied for the Award count towards the higher qualifications.

The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management provides a broader base of knowledge and skills than the Award. The guided learning hours for this qualification are one hundred and thirty with a requirement to gain between thirteen and thirty-six credits. It is common for learners to study six or seven units (topics) when studying towards the Certificate. To achieve the qualification you are required to pass an assessment for each topic (unit).

The average completion time for this qualification is nine to twelve months. Should you decide to progress to the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management, the units you’ve studied for the Certificate count towards the Diploma.

The ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management is the most comprehensive Level 5 qualification with an extensive learning programme. It requires three hundred and seventy guided learning hours and a minimum of thirty-seven credits.

The average completion time for the Diploma is eighteen months.

Do you still have questions about our ILM courses?

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